By Swim Teacher Julie Gross of South Florida
Water, wate

r everywhere! Virtually, not matter which way we turn we can see some form of water, from the rain that falls on our noses, to the vast blue oceans, to backyard pools. We see both children and adults enjoying themselves in the water. And we can think back to a number of pastimes that saw us swimming like a fish, water skiing and surfing.
Most of us swimmers are recreational and have never thought of competing in an event, let alone the Olympics, yet we are fulfilled as we enjoy the soothing waters. I can remember as a kid pretending that I won a gold metal. I swam with all my might as an imaginary crowd cheered me on and when I touched the wall with a last minute lurch, I celebrated with my hands held high above the waters! And who can forget playing Marco Polo...I can still here my friends' voices answering, "Polo!" while I searched for them with my eyes closed. And then at night with all energy spent, I would sleep like a baby while dreaming of swimming like a dolphin in the sea.
Have you watched children as they splash around in the water and sing joyful songs? Too many times today, kids are staying in doors far too much. I challenge you to get them outside and into the water. Take them to a pool, rivers, lakes, and oceans. There they will feel liberation and find health.
I live in South Florida and have devoted my life to teaching children and adults to swim. For me, learning to swim came at an early age and in learning I had a few bad experiences, but in the end I found such confidence in knowing that I could overcome my fears and emerge stronger.
My motto is "Until the Whole World Swims" and this is my life mission - to work with students to find confidence which will pour into their daily lives outside of the water.

Children just love to be in the water, and I always tell parents that one of the most important things they can teach their child is what to do in case of an accidental fall. That is why I suggest that everyone should have formal training.
A little fun fact...did you know that most men don't think they can float on their backs? Ironically a little fishy named
Mr. Blue says that if you keep your head back and your belly out, you can float just like him.
No matter what body of water you are in, swimming is the most fun and best form of exercise you can do for yourself! As the waters warm, I challenge you to get into the water as much as possible...there you will find fun, renewal and adventure!
To find out more about Julie Gross and her passion for "Until the World Swims" view her website at
To learn more about pool toys and swim gear go to A C Walters Intercoastal Corporation