HB Lifeguard instructors Kathy and Rory were amazing people - we spoke of the importance of the program that was developed in 1963 for youth 9-17 years of age. "It provides so much," explained Kathy. "Kids need purpose, community and an outlet for their

Rory is most impressed with how the youth progress over the 8 week program. "I see boys and girls come in out of shape, unenthusiastic about life and just plan blah," he explained. "And then as the weeks go by, their eyes are wide and they get into great shape. They really come alive...this is the best summer job in the world."
And for anyone who has doubts about the upcoming generation -- I'd like to quell your fears. The group was well-mannered, well versed and passionate about life. I spoke with many of them about their futures, their hopes for their careers and their love of being out in the ocean.
After about 2 1/2 hours on the open sea, Catalina came into view. We anchored about one football field off of the shore and the kids were more t

I jumped in with them and we roamed through huge kelp beds, discovered bright orange Garibaldi fish (California's official state fish) and other smaller varieties. A couple of the kids took it upon themselves to be my guide -- their kindness
and willingness to take me in as one of their own was awesome! In the afternoon, we held fun filled competitions that inspired the kids to laugh, cheer and band together.
(Pic above: Kathy Sharing info on masks & snorkels)
After a long day in the water, we headed back to the mainland. The sun was shining and we were all in a content daze -- enjoying the salty breeze and the water lapping up against the sides of the boat as we cruised. I was so very thankful all the way home that I had the opportunity to experience a day in the life of the Huntington Beach Junior Lifeguard program. And I'd like to inspire parents around the world to consider getting your kids involved in a local Jr. Guard program! Seeing the Jr. Lifeguards in action drove home a major point: we as human beings need to reconnect with nature -- find community with others -- and get our bodies moving! True purpose & ultimate peace will follow...
Thank you HB Jr. Lifeguards for your kindness!!! And thank you to my sister Ann Engevik for taking beautiful photos of the event!
- Jen Engevik of CWIC

Pic: Jen & Rory
adjusting a mask
http://www.destinationwater.com/- A C Walters Intercoastal Corporation
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